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November 29, 2017

Rakugo Performance by Shinoharu Tatekawa

On Friday November 24th, ISS students, staff and parents were entertained by a traditional Japanese storyteller. Shinoharu is a practicioner of the artform of Rakugo which requires many years of training to gain full status.
November 24, 2017

Yoga Seminar

ISS had a great opportunity to have a guest instructor, Ms Shannon from the United States to share her yoga practice with the ISS students after the Rakugo Performance on November 24, 2017.
November 7, 2017

Recognition Assembly ( 7th Nov )

On 7th November, students took part in our schools first recognition assembly of the year. Students who had achieved academically, or had improved were recognized for awards.
November 3, 2017

Fun-Raiser Day (3rd Nov, 2017)

On November 3rd, ACE hosted its first Fun-raiser of the year! There was a certain excitement in the air as students, staff, and parents got together to play some games and raise some funds for the Fun Activity Days at the end of the year.
October 31, 2017

Halloween Costume Contest (31st Oct)

Every year, ISS hosts a scarily successful Halloween costume contest, and this year was no exception! All of the students enjoyed seeing their fellow schoolmates’ creepy costumes and spooky Halloween spirit.
October 19, 2017

Global Citizenship Course Student-led Assembly

The Global Citizenship course delivered their first of four instructional student-led assemblies on October 19, having spent 8 weeks developing activities to deliver the theme of diversity tolerance.
October 18, 2017

Middle School Science School Trip

The Middle School students headed to the Japan Science Museum located at Kitanomaru Park, Tokyo on October 3, 2017.
October 16, 2017

Middle School Field Trip in Asakusa

On October 11, our middle school students went to an Edo style cut glass factory in Asakusa to carve traditional patterns on their own drinking glasses. They also visited a Drum Museum, where a variety of drums from around the world were displayed.
October 10, 2017

Japanese language and Culture High School Field Trip

On October 10 the Japanese program invited high school students to a day at the seaside. Ms. Kimoto arranged for us to tour Tokyo Sea Life Park within Kasai Rinkai Park.